Reading Teacher Writes

Sharing a love of literacy with fellow readers and writers

Slice of Life March Challenge: Day 11


Hello! Here are my 10 sentence starters from yesterday’s post:

  1. Mom! I’m huun-greee!
  2. Just one more minute, please.
  3. I’m busy!
  4. When she saw him the next day, she knew she got it right.
  5. She checked the time again, just to make sure.
  6. Did you find it?
  7. Well, hello there!
  8. There were only two more hours until…
  9. Fine! I’ll tell you!
  10. I’m at peace.

Author: Jennifer Sniadecki

I write about literacy education and my love for reading and writing. My passion is sharing titles I use for school libraries, classroom collaborations, and professional development. My goal is to collaborate, research, and share with other life-long literacy learners. Welcome to my blog!

3 thoughts on “Slice of Life March Challenge: Day 11

  1. Love the, “Fine I’ll tell you.” Always a good way to start a story.

  2. What a wonderful idea to write down random thoughts as story starters. Now I will be carrying my journal with me more often. Thank you. :)

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