Reading Teacher Writes

Sharing a love of literacy with fellow readers and writers

Slice of Life March Challenge: Day 12


Read Alouds Work!

I went to school today with hope for the future as I met with my reading group students. My goal was to work on a three-part assignment and start our read aloud, Unstuck, by Barbara Dee. This book published recently and I was so grateful that Ms. Dee wrote about a seventh-grader with a perfect, complicated story in her head, but couldn’t write it on paper. Writers Block.

The beginning of the story chronicled the main character, Lyla, talking to the reader (1st person POV – my students told ME) about a wonderful fantasy that she was going to write…but never wrote a thing on her paper. My students and I found it funny that the opening scenes were exactly like what happens in “real school” life. I love that my students are also in 7th grade and writing narratives for our third quarter ELA project – this is the perfect read aloud for them.

Write on!

Author: Jennifer Sniadecki

I write about literacy education and my love for reading and writing. My passion is sharing titles I use for school libraries, classroom collaborations, and professional development. My goal is to collaborate, research, and share with other life-long literacy learners. Welcome to my blog!

2 thoughts on “Slice of Life March Challenge: Day 12

  1. It is really nice when the readers can relate to what happens in a book. And it is wonderful to read that children read books.

  2. What fun, that your 7th graders told YOU it was 1st person POV and that they’re writing narratives this quarter. I’ll have to check out this one. You certainly nailed this read aloud!

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