Reading Teacher Writes

Sharing a love of literacy with fellow readers and writers

IMWAYR: Enjoying the Summer Reads!


It’s Monday! What are you Reading? is a weekly blog hop hosted by Kellee and Ricki of Unleashing Readers. The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

Head over to Unleashing Readers to join the link up and share your reads from this week!

It was nice of Max to host the first IMWAYR chat and I loved meeting and talking with everyone (until my silly dog thought it was time for me to leave – sorry about that!). Thank you, Max! I love the social atmosphere of the act of reading. Fun! Check out Max’s site here.

This week I’m reading…

Physical Books: (One adult, One YA) This is a wonderful audiobook by Lisa Fipps, narrated by one of my favorites, Michael Crouch.

It’s Monday! What are YOU reading?

Author: Jennifer Sniadecki

I write about literacy education and my love for reading and writing. My passion is sharing titles I use for school libraries, classroom collaborations, and professional development. My goal is to collaborate, research, and share with other life-long literacy learners. Welcome to my blog!

3 thoughts on “IMWAYR: Enjoying the Summer Reads!

  1. I am so glad you were able to go last night! IMWAYR is my favorite community, and I am so glad that it is growing to meet ups!

    I can’t wait to listen to Fipps’s newest–I’m glad it is a great narrator!

    Happy reading this week and thank you for linking up 🙂

  2. It was nice meeting you and your adorable dog at the meet-up! I’m not familiar with Michael Crouch as a narrator but will look for his books. I go through phases with audiobooks, but right now I’m in a “listen all the time” phase, so I am definitely on the lookout for new narrators.

  3. I didn’t know how I missed the first meet up until I realized just now that my reminder message from Max ended up in my spam box! I’ve added the next one to my calendar so I don’t forget!

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