Reading Teacher Writes

Sharing a love of literacy with fellow readers and writers

SOLSC Day 21: Skipping


Slice of Life Small LogoThank you to the ladies at Two Writing Teachers ( for hosting the March Slice of Life Story Challenge!


The older you get, the more deeply words affect you. Think of the word “skipping.” When you are young, you learn to crawl, walk, and skip. Skipping is happiness. Skipping is innocence. Skipping is laughter.

Then you grow into adolescence. You’re a rebel. You don’t follow rules; you try activities that prove you are independent. Skipping is hiding (in the school bathroom — “cutting class.”). Skipping is fiddling. Skipping is secrecy. The connotation of the word shifts to a more negative tone than in the “good ol’ days.”

As an adult, skipping becomes more consequential. Skipping work equals unemployment. Skipping a red light means high-cost ticket. Skipping is illegal. Skipping is corruption. Skipping is guilt.  I’m sorry I skipped out on posting yesterday. Another failed day of the challenge, too tired to stand up, too busy to write.

Skipping is bad news!


Author: Jennifer Sniadecki

I write about literacy education and my love for reading and writing. My passion is sharing titles I use for school libraries, classroom collaborations, and professional development. My goal is to collaborate, research, and share with other life-long literacy learners. Welcome to my blog!

15 thoughts on “SOLSC Day 21: Skipping

  1. Interesting word work on positive and negative connotations. Perhaps as adult we should skip more in the positive way. Great exercise, too. D 🙂

  2. What a clever way to track a word through the stages of our life. You can always revisit the skipping out of pure happiness. Who says we are too old to skip down a hallway? Perhaps not typical, but gosh, I miss it. It was because you were skipping through life yesterday that you skipped your post. I can’t think of a better reason. Thanks for skipping into our thoughts today; I enjoyed your piece!

  3. Yesterday was a hard day for us, too. We are all “guilty” of giving ourselves a break when we know we need it.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Darla & Jen

  4. It’s best if you return to the skipping of your youth. 🙂
    Some days things have to slide off the plate, but you are right back at it. Good for you!

  5. The perspectives of one word through the years is an interesting exercise. I have been known to skip as an adult. Although breathless in a short time, it brings joy.

  6. I love this. I love the distinction you made for each phase of life in regards to one particular words. You may have skipped a day, but it made for a great post and an interesting read today! Way to turn lemons into lemonade! 🙂 (Or more appropriately due to the SOLC picture – turn oranges into orange juice!)

  7. I’ve skipped a few days of the challenge, but continuing on is even more powerful for me.

  8. It’s human to skip – but so glad to see you back at it today!

  9. I’m glad you skipped right back!

  10. I really appreciate the layers of meaning you add to different times in a person’s life. Thankfully, I thought of the positive connotation of skipping first 🙂

  11. I never thought about ‘skipping’ like that until your post!!! How clever. xo

  12. I’m glad you’re back!!! Skipping back into the challenge! 🙂

  13. I love your thinking! Luckily if you skip a day, you can get back your rhythm! Nice slice!

  14. i am totally going to harness my childhood notion of skipping the next time I feel hard on myself for missing or skipping something. I love the way you played with the way our sense of a word changes alongside our experience as people. What other words would this work for? Hmmm…

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