Reading Teacher Writes

Sharing a love of literacy with fellow readers and writers

SOLSC Day 23: Poor Birds!


Slice of Life Small LogoThank you to the ladies at Two Writing Teachers ( for hosting the March Slice of Life Story Challenge!

Poor Birds!

I left school today depressed because of all the snow on the ground — again! Walking out the front doors, I looked and saw…some really FAT robins, hopping around in the parking lot. Poor birds! They must be so confused!

Poor birds in the snow, freezing

stupid snow again

When will we get back to spring?



Then I thought about something my mom said a long time ago; God will provide. So true! My depression turned to hope. If God can take care of these obviously needy birds, and he provides us a nice, warm home, then what do I have to do? Turn my frown around!

That’s just what I did!

Author: Jennifer Sniadecki

I write about literacy education and my love for reading and writing. My passion is sharing titles I use for school libraries, classroom collaborations, and professional development. My goal is to collaborate, research, and share with other life-long literacy learners. Welcome to my blog!

8 thoughts on “SOLSC Day 23: Poor Birds!

  1. This sounds great! I like how you made it in to something positive!

  2. Glad remembering what your mom said turned it all around!

  3. The snow will water the plants that will grown in the spring. So there’s a reason to be happy for snow, right? But I agree, snow needs to stop showing up.

  4. Oh gosh. I am in the same wintery mess. It is so easy to get frustrated and fed up. Things could be worse-it could be December! 😉

  5. Your slice reminds me of the beautiful picture book, Nest, by Jorey Hurley. Check it out if you haven’t read / seen it before:

  6. They are probably puzzled by the snow, but I know in our case, we could really use the precipitation so while we are ready for flowers, they are thirsty and at least this helped. It sure was pretty this morning. I like how you ended with positives.

  7. Good for you! I’m still upset about the cold weather. 😉 I keep hearing birds outside in the morning, and it lulls me into a false sense that it is going to be nice and springy outside. Those birds get me every morning.

  8. The robins are supposed to be a sign…even though I sometimes see them during the winter…this winter I did not see any…so the fact that you …and even I have seen some robins…well spring is near. Your mother’s advice was good…and being positive is so much easier on us than getting depressed…especially by something we can’t control….like the weather. Keep that smile! 🙂

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